Saturday, 9 August 2014

Whittlesey Remembers

Today marks the 100th anniversary of the first local man to die as a result of World War One - Arthur C. Rawson of Whittlesey. Arthur was accidentally killed by his gun on 9th August 1914, age 25. He is buried in Whittlesey Cemetery.

To commemorate the world-changing events of World War One, Whittlesey Museum has set up a Twitter feed using Roll of Honour and war memorial details which will tweet a personal "Lest We Forget" message for every local soldier killed during the conflict on the 100th anniversary of the day that he died.
This can be followed at

Room 1 of the museum has also been dedicated to a display of photographs and items relating to World War One, in particular excerpts from letters sent home from the Front by local men and the letters which their loved ones wrote to them in return, now part of the museum collection.