Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Accreditation Return Submitted

This stack of papers contains some of the policies and plans which Whittlesey Museum has to have in place in order to be awarded the continuing title of an Arts Council Accredited Museum.

Whittlesey Museum was an early subscriber to the original "Registered Museum" scheme for ensuring consistent high standards across the country's museums and has been an Accredited Museum since shortly after that successor system was created - adding up to well over twenty years of official oversight.

Accredited Museum status means that the museum subscribes to a particular set of professional ethics - in particular around the acquisition and disposal of objects - and has a committment to good practice in organisational health, collections care and visitor experience.

The latest renewal of the Museum Accreditation is due for submission in October in time for review during Summer 2015 - museum staff and volunteers have been working hard this month to get everything ready to send off!